Thursday, 8 March 2012

Musings of a Sherlockian

So today was the day in which we had to dress up. I used to absolutely hate going to fancy dress parties when I was around 6-7, but going as Sherlock didn't seem so bad. If I had prepared earlier, I could have bought some hair dye and at least curled my fringe, but I woke up late and had to run to the bus stop (yes, in a deerstalker). I got plenty of strange looks and double-takes, as you may have guessed. My friends Beth and Beth (I know a lot of Beths...) came as Moriarty and Watson, so I wasn't the only fool. We also got a green screen done in the IT department, but it hasn't been processed and uploaded to the website yet. 
I also had an idea for a Molly/Moriarty fic at the weekend after listening to a certain song over and over again. Hopefully, it should be finished soon. 

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